Are you an acne sufferer? If you do you need to adopt a very healthy diet to help you fight acne. There are certain amounts of food that are power-packed with vitamins that are necessary to beat acne.
It is a fact that the best way to get vitamins is through food. Foods with vitamin A help your body to fight types of diseases and acne.
Vegetables and fruits are best served raw while meats should be broiled or baked.
1. Almonds.
Almonds are a great source of protein and contain a rich amount of Vitamin E and Zinc. Almonds are valuable if you want to keep your skin supple.
2. Whole Grain Bread.
It is a great source of fibre, something that a lot of people lack in their diets. It is very important to eat whole grain bread which is found commercially prepared in most supermarkets.
3. Oatmeal.
Containing Vitamin A, Vitamin E and selenium, oatmeal helps you get all the necessary nutrients that you need. Oatmeal is ideal as a breakfast or included in favourite recipes like fruit bars and cookies.
4. Broccoli.
Regarded as an acne blaster, broccoli is a source of Vitamins A and E. Although the most nutrients are taken when broccoli is eaten raw, steaming is also good. It is a known fact that dark green vegetables are excellent for your skin.
5. Mango.
A tropical fruit that provides you with great amounts of Vitamins A and E. Mango can be served chopped or blended with yogurt and honey.
It is a fact that most of the acne treatments that we try will not stop it completely.
3 Things You Should Do To Get Rid of Acne
3 Things You Should Do To Get Rid of Acne
Do you suffer from acne? Are you concerned about what can be done in order to get rid of acne? It is a fact the most of us experience acne at least once during our lives while others have it repeatedly.
To prevent acne from being a real problem there are three elementary things that you should do. However if they do not work there is no need to panic because there is a lot of medication available. Your doctor will surely prescribe you a special cream that will work on you.
Keep skin clean
Acne develops because pores in our skin get clogged. It is not because our skin is not clean or else we do not wash our faces thoroughly. It is natural that our skin has oil in order to keep it soft.
Sometimes, our skin produces more oil that it really needs and the excessive oil sits on the skin while accumulating as time goes by. This blocks the skin completely and gets infected. This is how acne starts.
It is of utmost importance to wash your face at least twice a day without using a soap which is intended for the rest of the body. Instead use soap which contains antiseptic to fight off the infection.
Drink water in large amounts
Water is needed in order to keep our skin healthy. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses a day.
When drinking water, our bodies are cleaned from the inside, flushing the whole system of our body from toxins caused by waste. This is vital to keep our skin healthy.
Eat in a sensible manner
It is very important to choose what you eat. Eating a healthy diet is of utmost importance to your skin. Remember, what you eat effects your body and skin.
Eating fatty foods is not good for the skin as it contains sugar, the type of sugar that is considered bad. Infact, the only type of sugar that is good for the skin is fructose; sugar produced from fruit.
Unfortunately when we drink fruit juice, it might not necessarily contain fruit sugar because it would be lost during processing. Therefore it is suggested to drink water and eat fruit.
While eating a lot of vegetables is very healthy because they contain vitamins that keep our body healthy, eating lots of red meat is not healthy at all. White meat like fish and chicken is a better choice. It does not mean that red meat should be avoided completely but eating loads of vegetables with it will balance things out.
It is a fact that most of the acne treatments that we try will not stop it completely.
However, after years of trying to cure acne, I found something that was able to cure my acne naturally.
Stop wasting time and spending money on treatments that do not work! Try out the Natural Acne Treatment
for yourself and get rid of acne in less than a week.
Do you suffer from Acne? If yes, you are not alone. Infact three out of every four people suffer from acne at some point during their lives. It is such a common condition that medical scientists have been researching on it for many years. A lot of progress has been made actually done to get rid of it but prevention remains uncertain.
Every day a new natural acne treatment is out on the market and their popularity is on the increase because of suspicion in chemicals used in medicines. Before we take a closer look in using natural remedies, let’s see what causes acne.
What causes acne?
Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, out of which some acne sufferers remain affected throughout adulthood. Our sebaceous glands are very active when puberty starts. Sometimes hair follicles block the added sebum that the glands release and cannot be released from the skin forming little cysts.
How to control Sebum Production?
The most effective way to control sebum production is with Vitamin A. This widens the hair follicles reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands keeping your skin clean and reducing the effects of acne.
If you are considering using a natural treatment then eat a balanced diet with a reasonable amount of Vitamin A in each meal. Foods that are high in Vitamin A include mangos, spinach, carrots, potatoes, liver and dairy products.
Excessive use of Vitamin A can be toxic in large quantities especially for pregnant women. It is advisable to consult a dietician to determine Vitamin A amount for your body.
Another natural way to control acne is to drink plenty of water. It is proved to reduce toxins in the bloodstream and the bacteria that lead to acne.
Personally, most of the acne treatments did not work for me. However, after years of trying to cure acne, I found something that was able to cure my acne naturally.
Stop wasting time and spending money on treatments that do not work! Try out the Natural Acne Treatment for yourself and get rid of acne in less than a week.